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    libSlice::ReadManager Class Reference
    [C++ Interface]

    Detailed Description

    Manages the information about all of the read data.

    Definition at line 106 of file ReadData.hh.

    Public Member Functions

     ReadManager ()
     Simple Constructor.

     ~ReadManager ()
     Deletes all of the reads contained in the map.

    int size () const
     Returns the number of reads stored in the map.

    ReadDataaddReadData (const char *id, const char *seqname, const char *dir, const char *chem)
     Adds a named read and direction and chemistry.

    void insertRead (ReadData *rd)
     Inserts a read into the read map.

    void resetReadId (ReadData *rd, const string &id)
     Removes a read from the map under one id, and inserts it as another.

    void removeRead (const string &id)
     Removes a read from the map, but does not delete the ReadData.

    ReadDatagetNextRead ()
     Iterates through the list of reads.

    void resetReadIterator ()
     Reset the read Iterator, so that getNextRead can recycle through list.

    void printXML (ostream &out, const string &prefix="") const
     Prints the ReadCollection in XML with all of the reads.

    ReadDatafind (const string &readId) const
     Finds a read based on a readId.

    Member Function Documentation

    ReadData * libSlice::ReadManager::addReadData const char *  id,
    const char *  seqname,
    const char *  dir,
    const char *  chem

    Adds a named read and direction and chemistry.

    Creates the new read, and stores it in the lookup map

    See also:


    Return values:
    Pointer to the ReadData object just created

    Definition at line 429 of file

    ReadData * libSlice::ReadManager::find const string &  readId  )  const

    Finds a read based on a readId.

    Pointer to ReadData of requested name or NULL if not found

    Definition at line 465 of file

    void libSlice::ReadManager::insertRead ReadData rd  ) 

    Inserts a read into the read map.

    Exception If there is already a read with id in the map

    Definition at line 494 of file

    void libSlice::ReadManager::resetReadId ReadData rd,
    const string &  id

    Removes a read from the map under one id, and inserts it as another.

    See also:


    Definition at line 512 of file

    The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: