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    Exceptions.hh File Reference

    Detailed Description

    Interface for all exceptions.

    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>

    Go to the source code of this file.


    class  CircularReferenceError
     Errors where variable substitution references itself. More...

    class  ConfigFileError
     Base class for errors in configuration files. More...

    class  ConfigFileLineTooLong
     Errors where a line in a config file is too long to read. More...

    class  DuplicateSectionError
     Errors where there are two sections by the same name. More...

    class  Exception
     Base class for all Exceptions. More...

    class  ExitProgramNormally
     Program should exit(0). More...

    class  FileIOError
     File IO Errors. More...

    class  InvalidConfigNameError
     Some other error in how something is named. More...

    class  InvalidConfiguration
     Illegal Configuration. More...

    class  InvalidOptionError
     Invalid Option (not specified as acceptable). More...

    class  MalformedSubstitutionError
     Errors where substitution is malformed. More...

    class  MissingRequiredParameterError
     An option requires a value, but none was given. More...

    class  OptionsError
     Base class for errors with options. More...

    class  UnableToOpenError
     Can't open a file. More...

    class  UnableToReadError
     Can't read data from a file. More...

    class  UnresolvedSubstitutionError
     Errors where a substitution can't be processed. More...


    #define EXCEPTIONS_HH   1


    std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Exception &exception)
     Easy way to print exception error messages.

    Define Documentation

    #define EXCEPTIONS_HH   1

    Function Documentation

    std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
    const Exception exception

    Easy way to print exception error messages.