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    An example configuration file.

    Note that sections and variables are supported, as well as allowing for runtime substitution of variable values. ConfigFile supports multiple substitutions on the same line, nested substitutions, and the ability to set default rules. Notice how in this example NIH.workdir, TIGR.workdir and TIGR.updated.workdir are all set to the same rule, but in the output the substitutions evaluate differently. This is possible because while the default rule is written in the topmost section, the rules are evaluated using the most local values of ORG and {{ORG}}_DIR relative to the child where the rule is referenced.
    ; $Id: example-configfile.ini,v 1.1 2005/07/29 02:55:16 mschatz Exp $
    ; Test config to demonstrate config file parsing
    APP_NAME=test                                ; Anything after ; is ignored
    PATH={{APP_NAME}}/{{APP_VERSION}}            ; Do multiple substitutions on 
                                                 ; the same line
    ORG=DEFAULT                                  ; So default rule will resolve
    DEFAULT_DIR=DEFAULT_DIR                      ; 
    DEFAULTWORKDIR={{{{ORG}}_DIR}}/work/{{PATH}} ; Provide a default rule
                                                 ; With nested resolution
    [NIH]                                        ; NIH Overrides for default rule
    [TIGR]                                       ; These values wont collide
    ORG=TIGR                                     ; since they are in a different
    TIGR_DIR=/tigr/dir                           ; scope
    OTHERFLAG=--resolve                          ; Or add a new variable
    [TIGR.updated]                               ; Different Scope again
    WORKDIR = {{DEFAULTWORKDIR}}                 ; Strips unneeded whitespace
    ;=Bad Variable Name
    ;[   ] ; Bad Section Name
    ;[BAD] ; Can't have duplicate sections